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Essential Care Tips for Puppies

Understanding Puppy Health Needs

Sensitivity: Puppies require extra care due to their heightened sensitivity to illness, temperature extremes, and dehydration.

Respiratory Vulnerability: Their underdeveloped lungs make them more susceptible to respiratory issues compared to adult dogs.

Dietary Sensitivity: Puppies have sensitive stomachs, so be cautious when introducing new foods.

Regular Health Checks

Physical Examination: Regularly inspect your puppy's coat, eyes, paws, and pads to ensure overall health and familiarize them with handling.

Observational Learning: Spend time with your puppy to understand their habits, energy levels, and temperament, making it easier to spot abnormal behavior.

Preventive Measures

Environment Safety: Remove potential hazards from your puppy's reach to prevent accidents and injuries.

Chewing Hazards: Beware of electric cables and other chewable items that could pose a danger to your curious puppy.

Monitoring Health

Pulse Check: Measure your puppy's resting pulse to establish a baseline for comparison in case of injury or illness.

Visual Examination: Check for clear, bright eyes without any discharge, a cold and wet nose, and healthy gums and tongue.

Seeking Veterinary Care

If you notice any signs of illness or injury, consult a veterinarian immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment.