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Signs Your Pet May Be in Pain

Understanding Your Pet's Normal Behaviour

Recognizing signs of pain in your pet involves understanding their usual behaviour:

  • Know Normal Behaviour: Be familiar with what's typical for your pet so that you can identify any abnormal behaviours indicating discomfort or pain.

Common Signs of Pain in Pets

Watch out for these typical signs indicating pain in your pet:

  • Whimpering or Hiding: Look for behaviours such as whimpering or hiding away, which could suggest they're in pain and unsure what to do.
  • Focus on Painful Area: Pets may lick or constantly look at the source of pain, such as an ear or mouth.
  • Changes in Eating Habits: A pet in pain may refuse food or avoid certain positions while eating due to discomfort.
  • Limping or Holding Limb Up: If a leg is causing pain, your pet may limp or hold it up, indicating soreness.
  • Aggressive Behaviour: Some pets may become aggressive, especially when touched near the source of pain, potentially leading to biting.

Exercise Caution During Examination

When conducting a clinical examination, be cautious of potential reactions from your pet:

  • Be Cautious: If your pet reacts suddenly to touch due to pain, be careful to avoid being bitten, as they may respond aggressively.