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Understanding Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Overview of Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a condition found in some larger breeds of dogs, where the hip joint does not fit together properly.

Congenital Condition

Development: Dogs are born with hip dysplasia; it is not caused by external factors.

Onset: Symptoms may not appear until dogs reach a certain size, typically around nine months of age.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Bunny Hopping: Dogs may exhibit bunny hopping while running, indicating discomfort in the hip joints.

Diagnostic Tools: X-rays are used for diagnosis, preferably after the dog has reached skeletal maturity to accurately assess hip dysplasia severity.

Treatment Options

Varying Severity: Treatment options range from physiotherapy for mild cases to surgical intervention for advanced cases.

Surgical Intervention: In severe cases, dogs may undergo hip replacement surgery to restore mobility and alleviate pain.

Management and Long-Term Care

Arthritis Risk: Dogs with hip dysplasia are prone to developing arthritis in the affected joints as they age.

Management Strategies: Management may include pain relief, joint supplements, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, and physiotherapy to maintain mobility and alleviate discomfort.

Weight Management

Impact of Weight: Overweight dogs experience increased pain and mobility issues; weight management is crucial for managing hip dysplasia.

Veterinary Support: Consult your vet or veterinary nurse for weight management plans tailored to your dog's needs.